Welcome to your Learning Hub for Business Process Management!

On this Learning Hub you can quickly and easily access a selected set of e-learning courses focused on Business Process Management (BPM). As part of the BPM Product, our academy aims to provide comprehensive training, and is specifically designed for everyone who is interested in managing processes at Daiichi-Sankyo and working with the software BIC Process Design.

Our courses are very helpful for gaining a solid foundation of the most important BIC Process Design Features, BIC workflows and a basic understanding for process diagrams. To get started, you can learn how to first read and understand process diagrams and as a next step how to model and publish business processes confidently with BIC Process Design yourself. Learn as well, how you can easily visualize and document business processes with BPMN.

We are dedicated to expanding our course offerings to cover more advanced topics in the future. We are in the process of developing specialized courses that address the needs for Designers and for colleagues with comprehensive understanding of processes. These additional resources will further enhance your expertise in BPM and BIC process design.

Take the first step today and embark on your learning journey with BIC Process Design!

The benefits of this Learning Hub

  • Practice-oriented & easy to integrate

    Integrate the learning material directly into your everyday work through realistic case studies.

  • Target Group-Focused

    All courses are designed with specific target groups in mind, as clearly indicated in their descriptions.

  • Time & location independent

    Learn on the devices of your choice anytime and anywhere.

  • Modular teaching

    Clearly specified structure with consistent quality.

  • Learn at your own pace

    Our courses offer a seamless navigation experience, allowing you to progress through videos and content at your own pace.

  • Free of charge

    The use of the Academy and its courses do not result in any additional costs for employees of Daiichi-Sankyo.

English Courses

Learn more about BIC Process Design